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(PDF) Effects of an Integrated Carbide Slag-Mushroom Dreg …

The results predicted by a Box–Behnken design indicated that the maximum immobilization efficiencies of soil Pb, Cu, Zn and Cd could be achieve up to 99.88, 96.11, 99.78 and 87.88%, respectively ...

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Element Distribution and Migration Behavior in the Copper …

Some of the ZnO and CuS spilled from the liquid into the flume. After reduction, CaO·SiO 2 was generated and moved to the upper layer. 1 Introduction. Metallurgical solid waste …

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Synchronous stabilization of Pb, Zn, Cd, and As in lead smelting slag

Lead smelting slag (LSS) usually contains high content of heavy metals (HMs) such as lead (Pb), zinc (Zn), copper (Cu), cadmium (Cd), and arsenic (As) (Liu et al., 2018). However, its complex mineral composition and distribution characteristics make the utilization efficiency of resources low at present, and disposal is usually done by open ...

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A review on lead slag generation, characteristics, and …

Large amounts of lead slag are produced during the production of primary lead and secondary lead. Considering lead concentrate smelting as an example, a primary lead smelting system production of 1 t of lead will discharge 7100 kg of lead slag (Hou, 2011).At the secondary lead recycling process, for each ton of metallic lead produced, 100–350 …

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Sustainable and Comprehensive Utilization of Copper Slag: A …

The authors identified the possibility to recover major fractions of Cu, Zn, Pb and Mo from slag . Table 9 Processes of slag cleaning to give Cu rich Cu-Fe alloy. ... When grinding the material longer than required for optimum recovery there is no improvement or even slight decrease in the Fe recovery . It was found that a certain …

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Biomineralization mechanism and remediation of Cu, Pb and Zn …

B. intermedia TSBOI has been isolated from soils polluted with heavy metals. After long-term heavy metal. Conclusions. This study confirmed the ability of B. intermedia TSBOI to immobilize Cu, Pb, and Zn based on MICP and expanded the potential mechanism of heavy metal resistance and urease function of B. intermedia TSBOI from …

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Sustainable and Comprehensive Utilization of Copper Slag: A …

As crystallization of slag occurs during cooling Zn and Pb are re-distributed among several crystalline phases (silicates, oxides, sulfides or metals) and residual …

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Enhanced post freeze-thaw stability of Zn/Pb co …

Zn and Pb leached concentrations of PC and M-BOF treated contaminated soils conducted by TCLP experiments are plotted in Fig. 1 and the pH levels of the supernatants measured at the end of the tests are reported in Fig. 2. ... and Environmental Behavior Performance of Magnesium Potassium Phosphate Cement Binder …

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Mineralogical and morphological factors affecting the …

As far as E x is concerned, partitioning behavior of elements revealed that Cu is mainly retained in slag concentrate while Fe, Zn, Pb, Cr, and Ni are chiefly distributed …

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pH Dependent Leaching Behavior of Zn, Cd, Pb, Cu and As …

From the Middle Ages until the beginning of the twentieth century, extensive Zn–Pb mining and smelting was carried out in East-Belgium. By lack of waste treatment techniques and sustainable management practices, metal-bearing slags and unprocessed waste were dumped in huge tailings, which still represent an important source of …

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Stepwise recovery of Ni, Cu, Zn, and Cr: A green route to …

The resulting mixture was subjected to adequate grinding using an agate mortar and placed in a porcelain boat for calcination in a muffle furnace at 400 ℃, 600 ℃, and 800 ℃ (furnace heating rate was 10 ℃/min) for 1 h. ... shows the removal efficiency of Ni, Cu, Zn, Cr, Ca, Fe, and Al; (b) shows the variation of pH at different ...

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A novel iron-based composite modified by refinery sludge for fixing Pb

A novel iron-based composite modified by refinery sludge for fixing Pb, Zn, Cu, Cd, and As in heavy metal polluted soil: Preparation, remediation process and feasibility analysis ... (23°52′N, 103°21′E) near the abandoned lead slag yard in Gejiu City, Yunnan Province, China. The soil was air-dried and crushed, all of which were mixed ...

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Remediation of Cu-, Zn-, and Pb-Contaminated Soil …

behavior of Cu, Zn, and Pb from contaminated soils under dierent pH conditions and simulated inter-root environment solution; (ii) study the eectiveness of various washing agents in removing heavy metals and to perform a thermodynamic analysis of suit-able washing agents; and (iii) investigate the removal

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Immobilization persistence of Cu, Cr, Pb, Zn ions by the …

Adding steel slag to the acidic contaminated mine soil can immobilize heavy metal ions, but immobilization persistence of the metal ions needs to be determined.In this study, dynamic column simulation experiments were set up to compare the immobilization persistence of Cu, Cr, Pb and Zn ions in original soil and with the addition of slag, lime …

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A comprehensive review on the recovery of copper values …

Copper slags are mostly associated with hazardous and toxic metals, such as Cu, Pb, Mo, Zn, Co, etc. These undesirable elements in the copper slag make it …

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The bioleaching feasibility for Pb/Zn smelting slag and …

The results show that more than 80% of Al, As, Cu, Mn, Fe and Zn in the Pb/Zn smelting slag were leached at 65(o)C, pH 1.5, pulp density 5%, but only about 5% of Pb.

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Recovery of Copper, Lead and Zinc from Copper Flash Converting Slag …

Nonferrous metals (Cu, Pb, Zn) remaining in copper converting slag have become a global problem in copper pyrometallurgy. 1 By the end of 2020, more than 30 copper smelters were put into operation in China with an annual capacity of refined copper of 10,225 kt, ranking first in the world. 2,3 After more than 100 years of development, …

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Metallurgical slags from Cu production and Pb recovery in …

1. Introduction. Copper is recovered from ores mainly by means of pyrometallurgical processes that are responsible for generating waste slag, estimated at …

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Mass distribution of Cu, Zn, Pb, and S containing materials: (A) Cu; (B …

The Fe grade reached 91.55%, and the Fe recovery ratio was 98.13%. Zuo et al. analyzed the migration behavior and trend of elements during the reduction of copper slag [16].Zhang et al. used ...

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Removal of Cu, Zn, Pb, and Cr from Yangtze Estuary Using the

The highest BAF of each metal calculated was as follows: Cr (0.091 in winter) > Cu (0.054 in autumn) > Pb (0.016 in summer) > Zn (0.011 in summer). Highest root-rhizome TF values were recorded for four metals: 6.450 for Cu in autumn, 2.895 for Zn in summer, 7.031 for Pb in autumn, and 2.012 for Cr in autumn.

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The recovery of Zn and Pb and the manufacture of lightweight bricks

The complexity in the composition of slag from the zinc hydrometallurgy process is related to the content of valuable metals and impurities in raw materials (e.g., Zn, Pb, Fe, Cu, Cd, In, Co, Si ...

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Thermodynamic Analysis of Copper Smelting, Considering …

The study confirms that an increase in the matte grade and temperature lead to higher partitioning of Pb, Zn, and As to the slag. With increasing matte grade, …

اقرأ المزيد

Bioleaching mechanism of Zn, Pb, In, Ag, Cd and As from Pb/Zn …

The results indicated autotrophic bioleaching can solubilize valuable/toxic metals from slag, yielding maximum extraction efficiencies of 90% for Zn, 86% for Cd and 71% for In, although the extraction efficiencies of Pb, As and Ag were poor. The bioleaching performance of Zn, Cd and Pb was independent of leaching system, and leaching …

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Immobilization of Zn, Cu, and Pb in contaminated soils using …

However, P had little effect on the Cu and Zn phytoavailability; while the acid extractability of Cu and Zn induced by SBET (pH 2) were even elevated by up to 48% and 40%, respectively, in the H 3 PO 4 treatments (PA and PR + PA). Our results indicate that phosphate was effective in reducing Pb availability in terms of water solubility ...

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Mineralogical and morphological factors affecting the separation …

1. Introduction. Copper smelting slag is a waste source generated from copper pyrometallurgy production which typically contains 40 wt.% Fe and a considerable quantity of both environmental-hazardous and valuable metals Cu, Zn, Pb, Ni, Cr, Cd and toxic element As (Guo et al., 2018; Ma et al., 2016; Meng et al., 2020).It is predicted by …

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Physical and chemical characteristics of slag produced …

This paper focuses on determining parameters such as natural humidity (1.8%) and bulk density (1267 kg/m 3) of the slag. Also, its toxicity was analysed using …

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Slag from Pb–Zn concentrates foundry: a before grinding, b …

Download scientific diagram | Slag from Pb–Zn concentrates foundry: a before grinding, b after grinding from publication: Synthesis of an Alternative Hydraulic Binder by Alkali Activation of a ...

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(PDF) Mineralogical Characterization of Cu in Smelter Slags …

degree of crystallinity from glassy to coarse grained, porosity, temperature crackling density and. pahoehoe surface texture (F ig ure 1). Composition of fragments and respectively their density ...

اقرأ المزيد

Application of biochar, compost and ZVI nanoparticles for …

Here we tested the capacity of zero valent iron nanoparticles (nZVI) combined with two organic amendments, namely, compost and biochar, to immobilize metal(oid)s such as As, Cu, Pb, and Zn. In addition, the effects of the amendments on the development of Brassica juncea L., a plant widely used for phytoremediation purposes, …

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Accumulation of Cu, Zn, Pb, and Cd in Edible Parts of

The reduction pattern of Pb > Zn >Cu > Cd >As was reported in sesame seed. Although the oil refining had been greatly reduced the Pb of oil sample, but it had yet been much higher than the ...

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