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Assessing Structural Performance of Ceramic …

A mix ratio of 1: 1.11: 2.72 (cement: sand: stones) for nominal C30 concrete was produced with (0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 and 100) percent volume ceramic waste aggregate replacement for crushed ...

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This paper reports the findings on an experimental investigation of the effect of partial replacement of coarse aggregate with ceramic waste on strength properties of concrete. Compressive strength tests were conducted using 150x150x150mm cube specimens, while tensile strength was investigated using 150x300mm cylinder specimens.

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Partial replacement of aggregate with ceramic tile in concrete

Crushed waste ceramic tiles were utilised in concrete as a replacement for natural coarse aggregates. The crushed waste ceramic tiles made up 10 %, 20 %, 30 %, 40 %, and 50 % of the substitution in concrete, depending on the percentage of natural coarse aggregates that were replaced. Ceramic powder and crushed waste tiles were …

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The replacement of aggregates in concrete by ceramic wastes will have major environmental benefits. In ceramic industry about 30% production goes as waste. The ceramic waste aggregate is hard and durable material than the conventional coarse aggregate. It has good thermal resistance. The durability properties of ceramic waste …

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Use of waste ceramics to produce sustainable concrete: A …

Porous ceramic waste: Coarse aggregate(0%, 10%, 20%, 30% and 40%, 10% interval) Compressive strength, Young's modulus, STS, autogenous shrinkage: The …

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Ceramic Waste as Coarse Aggregate in Concrete

CERAMICS wastes are used as aggregate in concrete to achieve higher mechanical properties such as compressive and tensile strength [10, 11]. Safaa [12] used ceramic waste powder as a …

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Recycling of ceramic tiles waste and marble waste in …

According to Kabir, there occurs 55% loss in slump value of concrete when natural coarse aggregates are replaced with ceramic tiles waste aggregates due to angular shape and non-uniform size of aggregates. Nevertheless, the influence of fine and coarse aggregate replacement with ceramic fine and coarse aggregates at …

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Partial Replacement of Coarse Aggregate by Waste Ceramic …

The influence of mixing broken waste window glass with concrete mixes and the impact of substituting glass to coarse aggregate at varied ratios of 20%, 25%, and 30% on the compressive, tensile ...

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Experimental Investigation on Partially Additional of Coarse …

Ceramic Waste partially replaced as a substitute for coarse aggregates in concrete has been investigated. Two types of ceramic waste, namely tiles and flowerpot …

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Concrete with ceramic waste aggregate

Ceramic waste can be transformed into useful coarse aggregate. The properties of ceramic waste coarse aggregate are well within the range of the values of concrete-making aggregates. The compressive, splitting tensile and flexural strengths of ceramic waste coarse aggregate concrete are lower by 3.8, 18.2 and 6%. …

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Investigation on Partial Replacement of Various Waste …

Sivachandiran1, A. Magesh 2018 An Experimental Analysis Of Partial Replacement Of Coarse Aggregate By Waste Ceramic Tile In Concrete. Volume 119 No. 10 2018, 167-177. P. Vignesh Kumar, R. Ranjith Kumar 2016 An Experimental Study on Partial Replacement of Coarse Aggregate by Iron Slag with Polypropylyne Fiber Volume 5 Issue 3. Priyanka …

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Effect of Ceramic Waste Powder on Mechanical Properties

Abstract. In this paper, the recycled coarse aggregate concrete (RCAC) was prepared by replacing cement with ceramic waste powder (CWP) in mass fractions of 0, 10%, 20%, 30% and 40%. Its ...

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Engineering properties of self-cured normal and high

The sand used for the experimental program was locally procured. Fig. 1 locally available coarse aggregates as gravel and crushed porous ceramic waste with the maximum size of 19 mm were used. PCWA derived from crushed roof tile waste was also used as an SC agent, partially replacing the coarse aggregate.

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Ceramic Waste: Reuse as a Recycled Aggregate | SpringerLink

Etxebarria and Gonzalez-Corominas studied high-strength concretes developed using fine ceramic aggregates from a brick factory (FCA), and a mix of …

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Impact of Replacement of Coarse Aggregates with Ceramic Tile Waste …

In the present study, ceramic tile waste and iron slag were used in concrete as a replacement for natural coarse aggregate with 0%, 10%, 50%, and of the substitution, and M25 grade concrete ...

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Use of ceramic wastes as aggregates in concrete production: …

Several researchers studied the use of ceramic tile waste as fine ceramic aggregate (FCA) and coarse ceramic aggregate (CCA) separately or simultaneously. Tavakoli et al. [24] considered two phases, one for fine tile aggregate replacement …

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The decrease in density and strength was due to ceramic waste being lighter and more porous than normal coarse aggregate. Tensile strength of concrete with ceramic waste decline gradually from 8. ...

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Concrete made from ceramic industry waste: Durability …

The ceramic electrical insulator waste (Fig. 1) was procured from the nearby ceramic electrical insulator industry and their surfaces were de-glazed manually by chisel and hammer.With the help of jaw crusher the de-glazed ceramic electrical insulator wastes were broken into 20 mm maximum size coarse aggregate (Fig. 2), the same was used …

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Effect of waste ceramic tiles as a partial replacement of aggregates in

Hence, the crushed waste ceramic tiles were used in concrete as a replacement for natural coarse aggregates with 0%, 5%, 10%, 15% 20% and 25% of substitution. After analyzing results, the optimum value of waste ceramic tile to be used within the concrete mix with a water/cement ratio of 0.5 was determined as about 20%.

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Ceramic Tiles Waste as Coarse Aggregate Filler

This paper presents the results of an experimental analysis of the effects of partial replacement of coarse aggregates, fine aggregates, and ordinary Portland cement with the ceramic waste, at ...

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Microstructure and properties of recycled concretes using ceramic

The recycled ceramic aggregate employed came from a ceramic sanitary ware factory. This ceramic waste was subjected to a crushing process using a jaw crusher, and was then sieved to extract the fraction of 4/12.5 mm in size.Visually, the ceramic aggregate presented two clearly distinguishable parts (Fig. 1); an external part, which …

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Eco‑friendly concrete with waste ceramic tile as coarse aggregate

A coarse aggregate replacement scheme in concrete is investigated with three different waste ceramic tile materials in replacement ratios including 20%, 25%, 35%, 50%, 65%, 75%, 80% and .

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Ceramic Waste: Reuse as a Recycled Aggregate | SpringerLink

Zareei et al. [] replaced 20, 40 and 60% of natural gravel with CW in high-strength concrete, and studied the influence of waste carpet fibres (1 vol.%).All the concretes were made with a constant superplasticiser quantity (1.5%) and a water/cement ratio of 0.37. Workability (slump cone test) reduced with the addition of CW and carpet …

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Partial Replacement of Coarse Aggregate with Broken …

The study is aimed at investigating the "Effects of Replacing Partially Coarse Aggregate with Broken Ceramic Tiles in Con-crete Production" while the objectives are to determine physi-cal ...

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Use of ceramic wastes as aggregates in concrete …

The use of ceramic waste, originated from construction sites and industries, as fine and coarse aggregate in concrete presents an effective and sustainable endeavor to environmental problems through the reduction in the degradation of natural resources caused by extraction of natural aggregates and decrease in dumping volume as well. A …

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(PDF) Ceramic ware waste as coarse aggregate for

The replacement percentage of coarse ceramic aggregate (Acc) varied between 10– and the optimal replacement percentage was designated with respect to the strength of Plain Concrete (PC ...

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Ceramic waste as coarse aggregate in the production of …

The size for coarse aggregate ceramic waste was 14-20 mm. The compressive strength result varied from 4 to 21 MPa and the slump value was between 30-60 mm. The result showed that the concrete mixes containing recycled ceramic waste aggregates achieved strength levels between 80 to 95 per cent compared to the conventional concrete.

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Effect of using mineral admixtures and ceramic wastes as coarse

On the basis of their findings, the current work examines the full use of ceramic wastes with SF and MK as coarse aggregates. In particular, this study investigates the effects of using SF and MK as partial replacements for cement (at 10%, 20% and 30% proportions) in UHPC that fully incorporates ceramic waste as coarse …

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Effect of ceramic tile waste on strength parameters of …

Ceramic waste can be used in concrete to improve its strength and other durability factors. In this review, the study is focused on the conduct of concrete made with the replacement of coarse aggregate with waste made from ceramic tile. Ceramic waste can be used as a partial replacement of coarse aggregate to achieve different properties …

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Microstructure and properties of recycled concretes using ceramic …

Under the concept the properties of conventional coarse aggregate and ceramic waste were mapped from which test results indicate that compressive strength and the split tensile strength of sanitary ceramic waste coarse aggregate concrete at replacement level is decreased by 47.5%, 42% and 35%, 55% while at 50% replacement level it reduced ...

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