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alternative to nitric acid | Gold Refining & Metal Extraction …

Also worth asking whether you want the Nitric acid to dissolve away base metals, or only to refine the gold at the end. If you are wanting to dissolve away a lot of base metals, then you really need reasonably concentrated Nitric acid, if you are just wanting to refine some foils, the PMAR or even bleach will do the job. D.

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Using sulfuric acid and nitrate salt instead of nitric acid for

Gold Refining Processes. General Techniques & Other Processes . Using sulfuric acid and nitrate salt instead of nitric acid for digesting base metals. ... It can be helpful for those who don't have access to nitric acid, but be aware that it may also cause small losses on a regular basis, as Kurtak refers too. I don't mind using it on a ...

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Gold processing

Gold processing - Refining, Smelting, Purifying: Gold extracted by amalgamation or cyanidation contains a variety of impurities, including zinc, copper, silver, and iron. ... The …

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How to save money on Nitric acid when scrapping silver!!

Next add about 100-200ml nitric acid (depending on your dish size). Let is work for an hour or so then go back and add a little more acid if need be. The reason for this is 1. To save money. and 2. Because too much acid will chew through the copper under the silver diminishing from silver quality.

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Diluted Nitric Acid Recovery

Gold Refining Processes. Chemical Processes & Chemical Discussion . Diluted Nitric Acid Recovery. Thread starter ... Equation for dissolving Ag in diluted nitric acid is: 3Ag + 4HNO3 → 3AgNO3 + NO + 2H2O So you lose one NO3-, or 25% of your nitric with each pass. (75% left after 1 pass, 56.3% after second pass, and 42% after 3rd …

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Homemade Nitric acid | Gold Refining & Metal Extraction …

Dump the ground sodium nitrate into a large jar (gallon size pickle jar). Then add another 1/2 cup of water to the blender container and rinse the residue into the 1 gallon jar. Stir the sodium nitrate and water mix and let that sit for at least 1 hour. Now add 1 quart of sulfuric acid (auto battery acid).

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Does nitric acid damage gold

Mar 27, 2022. #7. One of my first experiments with trying to clean some small nuggety placer Gold went like this. First, use warm HCL only, diluted with distilled water by 25%. Let soak for 48 hours. Decant and wash 3 times with distilled water. Dry, repeat this time with 67% nitric cut 25% with distilled.

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How is Gold Refined?

Nitric acid functions to oxidize the gold and transform it into gold ions. Meanwhile, hydrochloric acid supplies chlorine ions, which assists in dissolving gold ions and …

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Use of Nitric to get rid of base metals | Gold Refining

The most important thing to know about the HCl/Clorox method is that this was NOT the chlorine method employed to recover gold from ores in the 1890's. By using so much hydrochloric acid, the pH is lowered so far that the bonds of the oxides are broken and base metals are put into solution instead of gold.

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Inquartation and Parting Refining Process

Dilution of the gold content is necessary to ensure that the nitric acid can readily attack and dissolve the base metals and silver, some of which may be otherwise masked by the gold. Any palladium which is alloyed in the gold …

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How to Refine Gold With Nitric Acid | Sciencing

Producing Aqua Regia. The first step to refining gold involves creating aqua regia – a mix of nitric acid and hydrochloric acid named for its ability to melt gold – and applying it to the gold in question. …

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Uknown white material after dissolving in Nitric Acid | Gold Refining

Using a sulfuric cell with even a small amount of these discs makes the power source short repeatedly. I dissolved 1 lb of these discs in a 50/50 solution of water/Nitric Acid. Waited 24 hours and was planning on filtering the gold foils. After the 24 hours the solution turned bright blue with gold foils and a white material on the bottom.

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neutralize nitric acid in Aqua Regia | Gold Refining

Clean off the copper and dry put in plastic bag to cement with next time. The white salts wash in boiling water this will remove NaCl, lead chloride if decanted hot (let white fluffy powder settle before decanting), some excess water-soluble salts like urea or SMB, and other base metal chlorides.

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Gold Refining Process

Parting by Electrolysis; Electrolytic Refining of Gold; Separation of Platinum from Gold; Treatment of Cyanide Precipitates; Refining of Gold Slimes by Nitric and Sulphuric Acid; the Nitre Cake …

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Reusing NO2 from nitric acid

Apr 18, 2009. #7. distill off NO2 bubble into water to make nitric acid, if less than 68% concentration can boil off water untill it reach's 68% further boiling will boil off your 68% acid, if stronger acid needed for some unknown reason, you would need to add 2 times the amount of sulfuric acid and distill off somewhere greater than 80% maybe ...

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How Is Gold Refined? A Brief Overview

Aqua regia is a Latin term that means "royal water.". The aqua regia gold refining process involves the use of highly corrosive chemicals to allow gold ore to reach purity levels of …

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Processing Sterling Silver without nitric acid | Gold Refining …

The bowl weighed 25.2 oz (713 g). I cut the bowl into pieces and melted it down into a bar slightly smaller than a US dollar bill and almost 1/4" thick. I processed the sterling bar using electricity (12V 10A battery charger) and and electrolyte of left over copper nitrate from previous inquartations and cementing reactions (see on my website).

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Urea to eliminate excess Nitric Acid | Gold Refining

Location. birmingham. Aug 13, 2017. #3. Welcome to the forum. We advise using sulphamic to rid nitric if an excess has been used but the best advice is to cover your material with plenty of Hcl and slowly add small amounts of nitric until you get no reaction, this should eliminate the need to neutralise the nitric. J.

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Making poormans Nitric Acid

Jun 27, 2009. #1. Finally ready to run several pounds of CPUs in the poormans Nitric acid. In my notes all I can find is a small post it note: 1 Lb Sodium Nitrate. 1 qt. Sulfuric Acid (battery acid) 1 cup hot distilled water (to disolve the Sodium Nitate). I was wanting to verify that this is correct before I ended up making a big mess of ...

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Gold refine with nitric | Page 2 | Gold Refining & Metal …

Jan 15, 2024. #40. RajaMohsin said: Yes i use same nitric acid and i dont see any forming. And i add 500 ml water and 500 ml nitric after the silver was disolved i pour this and repeat i add 300 ml water and 300 ml nitric after all silver and base metals was remove then i dry my gold powder and melt it.

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Why is my silver not dissolving in the nitric acid? | Gold Refining

If you start with 70% nitric, dilute it 50/50 with distilled water, and heat it, it will dissolve sterling silver of the time, without fail, without exception. Actually, it's not even necessary to heat it, although it does speed things up. If the metal does not dissolve, it is not sterling silver. And, like qst intimated, if it isn't ...

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Nitric acid | Gold Refining & Metal Extraction Forum

For gold filled perhaps produce your own nitric using nitrates and sulphuric mixed, worth a try but never done it. Getting nitric is a pain for most home refiners these days and also very expensive, try and find a small family run business for the acid as they may be more obliging..

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Gold processing

Gold processing - Refining, Smelting, Purifying: Gold extracted by amalgamation or cyanidation contains a variety of impurities, including zinc, copper, silver, and iron. ... The bead is boiled in nitric acid to dissolve the silver (a process called parting), and the gold residue is weighed. If platinum metals are present, they will alter the ...

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Nitric Acid Substitute. | Gold Refining & Metal Extraction …

Standard 67-70% Nitric is usually used in 2 ways: (1) full strength when making up aqua regia with HCl and (2) diluted 50/50 with distilled water to dissolve silver (or, certain base metals). (1) For aqua regia, the 50% could be used with little sace in speed. (2) For the equivalent of 50/50, 70% nitric, use the 50% acid and add 27%, by ...

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subzero...,power nitric acid substitute | Gold Refining

So yea the subzero works for nitric acid but dont go by there direction. The directions sent said use 1 whole LB. to half gal. of muratic dont do that its more like 2 tablespoons to 1 quart of hcl hope this helps. A.

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Step By Step Process to refine Gold from Escrap | Gold Refining …

Alabama. Aug 14, 2022. #4. escrappy said: Dear Members, I'm new to refining and wish to learn the step-by-step process of refining and segregating Gold, Silver, and Palladium from E-scrap. Below are the chemicals which i have secured for the task, Sulphuric Acid. Nitric Acid.

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Gold Parting using Nitric Acid

To a gallon of tap water, add 3 lbs of rock salt, stir occasionally and let it dissolve. Decant the brine water, or filter through a …

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Using nitric acid on pins

I ran a little over a pound of pins of various types in some nitric acid. I made the nitric from 1 cup of sodium nitrate in 1 cup of distilled water. I let that sit for over an hour and them added 1 quart of battery acid from the auto parts store and I …

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making nitric acid | Gold Refining & Metal Extraction Forum

Since I use a fair amount of this acid, my recipe for volume is 2000 ml of distilled water, 3.4 kilograms of sodium nitrate, and 1120 ml of 98% sulphuric acid. Heat the water to boiling to dissolve all the sodium nitrate. Dump the solution into a clean 5 gallon bucket, let it cool just a little. Use a large stirring paddle.

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Nitric acid | Gold Refining & Metal Extraction Forum

John Day Oregon. Dec 14, 2022. #14. When I was full time refining I got my 67-68% nitric in 15 gallon (60 liter) SS drums for (about) $2 per liter. 52-53% nitric in 55 gallon SS drums for (about) 75 cents per liter. There was a $150 deposit on the 15 gallon drum & $250 deposit on the 55 gallon drum.

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