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Journal of Environmental Planning and Management

Published online: 25 Mar 2024. Fengfu Mao et al. Published online: 25 Mar 2024. Wenqi Liao. Published online: 22 Mar 2024. Explore the current issue of Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, Volume 67, Issue 6, 2024.

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Development of an environmental performance assessment …

The environmental impacts of the manufacturing stage of the product life cycle are resource consumption and waste emissions. The development of an …

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Aggregate Production Planning and Scheduling in the …

Environment Thrissur Krishnan a, Asharul Khan b*, ... Artificial Intelligence; Smart factory; Big data 1. Introduction ... and supply chain planning. Aggregate Production Planning (APP) is one of ...

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Environmental Impact and Sustainability in Aggregate

Somewhat simplified, the activities of the aggregate industry can be compiled into four essential phases (Danielsen 2007 ): (1) Inventory and planning, (2) Quarrying and production, (3) Use of aggregates in construction, and (4) Reclamation of mined-out areas. Each of these phases will contain a number of sub-activities.

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Aggregate Production Planning Framework in a Multi …

The business plan which is long term in nature yields the sales, operational and financial plan; these are key components of a functioning aggregate plan. A business plan elucidates management commitment and decision in the deployment of a company's resources. It sets the tone for a company's priorities and means of achieving the same.

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The Definitive Guide to Aggregate Planning | Wrike

Aggregate planning is the process of balancing the relationship between demand and capacity to create stability in a workflow. In project management, it is used to manage and schedule activities related to capacity and demand, such as analyzing requirements, deploying resources, and maintaining the set timeline of projects and …

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What is Aggregate Planning? – Strategies, Types & Examples

It is essential to known about aggregate provision while creating production schedule. Aggregate konzeptionelle is the procedure of creating a production schedule to a predetermined period. It launches according listing out all the demand so can deciding for uninterrupted production. Aggregate planning covers elements like humane resources, …

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The environmental benefits of recycled aggregates

Disadvantages of recycled aggregate concrete. Recycled aggregates are subject to stringent quality controls in order to meet environmental and performance protocols relevant to the intended use. Suppliers are required to implement detailed Factory Production Controls (FPC) and quality plans that can be followed, maintained and audited.

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An efficiency-based aggregate production planning model …

Aggregate production planning (APP) is a medium-term planning in the production system, which determines the optimal production plan in the planning horizon. To allocate the optimal production quantity to the production lines, we propose an efficiency-based APP to multi-line manufacturing systems. For that purpose, first, considering the …

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Aggregate Planning In Supply Chain Management

Aggregate planning in supply chain management include the following: Solid Demand Forecast - It is important to anticipate demand for your product before you can plan your supply ordering. Using historical data as well as industry trends and forecast, you are able to accurately predict demand for your products for upcoming months.

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Aggregate production planning under uncertainty: a …

This is the first literature survey of its kind on aggregate production planning (APP) under uncertainty. Different types of uncertainty, such as stochasticity, fuzziness and possibilistic forms, have been incorporated into many management science techniques to study APP decision problem under uncertainty. In current research, a wide range of the …

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Environmental Impact Assessments for Cement Plants

The specific objectives of an ESIA of any Bank financed project are: To identify the positive and/or negative alterations of the natural and human environment which may affect the quality of life as well as present and future options for sustainable social and economic development in the operations area of influence;

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Chapter Environmental Impact and Sustainability of …

the environment through their damaging effects on air, water, soil, and biodiversity [13]. Due to the production process and luck of standardization, there is a big problem in …

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Environmental Impact and Sustainability of Aggregate Production in

The production of aggregate for the infrastructural development of the country has been increasing for the last three decades due to the high urbanization rates in the main cities of the country and the ever-growing demand for basic infrastructural facilities. The environmental impact of both fine and coarse aggregate production is now hard to …

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Solving sustainable aggregate production planning with …

2.1. Aggregate production planning (APP) APP is a planning process that is carried out at regular intervals in manufacturing companies to provide planning for …

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Sustainable Factory Planning

Sustainable Factory Planning. It is likely that sustainable factory planning will form part of the overall plan within a sustainable manufacturing strategy. Environmentally-friendly design, build and processes within a factory environment can make a big difference to energy and resource consumption.

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Multi-objective Aggregate Production Planning for …

Keywords Aggregate production planning · Multi-product · Stabilities in the work force · Multi-objective · Genetic algorithm · Local search algorithm 1 Introduction Aggregate production planning (APP) is an operational activity that provides an aggregate plan for production pro-cesses. The aim of APP is to set overall output levels to face

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enviromental planning on aggregate factory

Aggregate Planning - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics. Aggregate planning is an intermediate-term planning function. It is the process of planning the quantity and timing of output over an intermediate time of, say, from 3 months to 1 year. Within this range, the physical facilities are assumed to be fixed for the planning period.

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Aggregate Planning: Meaning, Factors, Importances, …

Aggregate planning is a proven technique that brings an element of foresight and stability into manufacturing. It helps the management to achieve the long-term objectives of a company. The importance of aggregate planning include: Creates a satisfied and happy workforce. Reduce changes in the levels of the workforce.

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What is Aggregate Planning? Types, Strategies with Examples

Below listed are the types of aggregate planning strategies: 1. Chase Demand Strategy: Adjust production levels to match changes in demand. Suitable for industries with flexible production capabilities. 2. Level Production Strategy: Maintain a steady production rate and use inventory to absorb demand fluctuations.

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Forecasting and aggregate planning application – a case …

A good and interconnected demand and supply planning (D&SP) is essential for firms, as it will give better allocation of resource and enabler to stay competitive. The basic and simple applications of D&SP are forecasting and aggregate planning which mainly used in big corporations, but less in small and medium enterprises. The research …

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Introduction to Aggregate Planning and Strategies

the level of promotion activities and pricing strategies that result in change in demand quantities of products. To develop an aggregate plan, a company must specify the planning time horizon. A planning time horizon is the time period over which the aggregate plan generates solutions. A planning time horizon is usually between 2 and 18 months ...

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Sustainability Perspective in an Aggregate Production …

and core values. One of environmental dimensions is input -oriented factors, such as consumption of energy or natural resources. According to Statistics Canada, the …

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A systematic review of aggregate production planning

Aggregate production planning (APP) is the process of determining production, inventory, and labor levels to meet demand requirements over a planning window up to 1 year. As an emerging field, sustainable APP deals with the accommodation of environmental, economic as well as social sustainability criteria into the planning period which in turn can be achieved by making use of Circular Economy ...

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Recycled Aggregate: A Viable Solution for Sustainable …

1. Introduction. Concrete is the second most used material by volume on Earth. Portland cement is the main binder of concrete, and its production (estimated at 4.3 bi ton/year) accounts for about 8% of the global CO 2 emission [].Besides the CO 2 emission released by cement production, large amounts of sand and gravel are extracted to serve …

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A light robust model for aggregate production planning with

In the present study, a multi-period multi-product aggregate production planning model is developed under uncertainty, considering some important aspects of …

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Aggregate Planning

The importance of aggregate planning include-. Creates a satisfied and happy workforce. Reduce changes in the levels of the workforce. Helps to determine resources for the short-term. Helps in maximum utilization of space. Meets the overall goals and objectives of a company. Helps to adjust capacity to meet demand.

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Aggregate Planning and Inventory Management in …

3. Aggregate Planning Aggregate planning is a process by which a company determines planned levels of capacity, production, subcontracting, inventory, stock outs, and even pricing over a specified time horizon. The goal of aggregate planning is to build a plan that satisfies demand while maximizing profit[8]. Aggregate planning, as

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Aggregate Production Planning in Supply Chain

Elements of Aggregate Production Planning. There are a few factors every supply chain must consider when setting up an Aggregate production plan. Demand: This is the customer's interest in the product being produced. Remember you need at least 6 to 18 months of forecast for an effective aggregate plan.

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Environmental Impact and Sustainability in Aggregate

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    Sustainability in Supply Chain Management: Aggregate …

    WebThe environmental factors that affect the aggregate planning decision are examined in this subsection. Carbon Footprint: Carbon footprint refers to the set of …

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